i couldn't do it. name one word for 2011, that is.
i wasn't even sure i wanted to, after reflecting back on my
words from new years' past, but they drew me in nevertheless.
words like fire by which to warm my hands and light my path.
it's difficult to imagine getting a tattoo, because there is no one image i'd want to bear forever, but
a word inscribed to remind me daily of my heart's desire and purpose?
the allure is not lost on me.
the words (
the very Word!) call to me again. not one this year, but several :
i suspect that too-inward a focus is the source of much heart-unrest. it is not lost on me that blogging can be indulgently introspective, and i may be called to a different sort of posting in this new year.
self-focus is selfish, of course, and
disobedient, but it also robs me of joy.
verses from psalm 121 echo in my heart:
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
a psalm of ascent. the song of the pilgrims' upward trek to jerusalem, to God's temple for worship.
i want to lift my eyes,
my hands,
my heart to God.
to worship. to seek his counsel and presence and grace.
to dwell less on myself and more on Jesus.
similarly, i feel a stirring to direct my attentions away from myself and onto others.
you know, just the daily, lifelong struggle.
to love and serve my family in our daily life together. to turn off the computer. to say
to wallow less and practice hospitality more. to reach out. to create community.
i don't mean this in a
jurgis "i will work harder" kind of way. (which would be depressing. and pretty destined for failure.)
jim shared this passage with me not long ago:
David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. (1 chronicles 28:20)
by God's power and grace we are transformed, so
we need not feel discouraged at our lack of progress or afraid that our hopes are too big.
it is God who works a change, not our effort, toil, wanting, or striving.
but still, i must show up. i must allow God room in my life to move and work. to be open and receptive and faithful in small things.
being the mom (and wife and friend and leader and writer) i want to be involves work.
practicing grace and hospitality is
a practice.
focusing my attention on God means setting the alarm, waking before the kids, and creating that space--without distraction--to rest in God's presence.
i need to do the work. not to be better, but to be available.
to make ready a heart for God to transform.
sharing grace-stories with
alita, and
did you pick a word for the new year? do you make resolutions or goals? how do you create habits that stick?