
31 Days of Embodied Faith

October is upon us, and what better way to revive this sleepy-of-late blog than to jump in with both feet for 31 Days?

(Hold me.)

Last year, we spent 31 Days Practicing Peace, and although I considered taking another crack at that same topic, I finally decided to take on Embodied Faith instead.

What is that, you ask?

I want to explore how we practice faith not just with our hearts or our minds but hands and breath and feet and bodies. Let's talk about the intersections of faith with work, play, art, exercise, rest, sexuality, food, hospitality, race, body image, discipline, suffering, beauty, pain, death, birth, pregnancy, gender, masculinity, illness, worship, celebration, grief, service, justice, parenting, singleness, dating, friendship, marriage, community, health, time...any area one might connect his or her humanity to an experience of God.

Let's look at scripture, particularly how Christ's incarnation affirms life in a human body and how we're called to honor God and one another with our whole selves. I want to examine embodied prayer and practices like fasting or pilgrimage that tangibly connect bodily experience to the transcendent.

I want to explore this together and am welcoming guest posts again on any topic related to Embodied Faith. One thousand words or fewer that fit alongside how we do at the smitten word. Poetry, narrative, essay, photography...this topic can be interpreted in a number of different ways, and I'm looking to get creative. Tell a story of how you meet God on the trail or in the kitchen. In recovery. On the dance floor or in the garden. In the bedroom, playground, or hospital.

What does faith with skin look like? Let's spend October finding out.

Day 2  prayers of the body
Day 3  incarnation
Day 4  God gives to his beloved sleep
Day 5  the practice of "no"
Day 6  shabbat shalom
Day 7  on sacramental feminism {guest post Krista Dalton}
Day 8  the naked ask {guest post Aaron Smith}
Day 9  where kindness leads
Day 10 fish out of water {guest post Misty Green}
Day 11 love shows up
Day 12 like precious oil
Day 13 let us breathe deeply
Day 14 unless the Lord builds the house
Day 15 let's lay down arms, love
Day 16 fold your hands {on teaching consent to pre-schoolers}
Day 17 on waiting {guest post Catherine Hawkins}
Day 18 embodied {guest post Seth Haines}
Day 19 an act of faith in time itself
Day 20 in the half-light of our love
Day 21 fasting, my iPhone, and prayer {guest post Morgan Guyton}
Day 22 from my head to my hands {guest post Heather Caliri}
Day 23 faith with scars {guest post Bethany Paget}
Day 24 do not go gentle into that good night
Day 25 with all his might {guest post Natalie Hart}
Day 26 walking the question
Day 27 the resurrection of the body {guest post Christina Tremill}
Day 28 a faith i can live with {guest post Sarah Moon}
Day 29 an ounce of action {guest post C. Wess Daniels}
Day 30 body of Christ, cup of salvation {guest post Micha Boyett}
Day 31 we are pierced women {guest post Osheta Moore}

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