discipline and intentionality are both areas where i desire growth this dawning year, but ultimately, the word that best captured my heart's cry is Love.
is there anything so simple or radical?
there are no short cuts in Love. God knows i love the short cuts, but this year, i'm taking the long way: the one that serves and gives and hopes and protects and reflects the very image of God.
that Way.
i know that my own love is insufficient. my love has limits. most days, my selfishness is bigger than my love.
but God's Love is big. his Love is transforming this world and this heart, and his power is made perfect amid weakness. he is faithful to complete the good work begun in us. i'm leaning into that promise.
in 2012, i'm leaning into Love.
Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.
{Proverbs 3:3}
shalom 2009
cultivate 2010
upward. outward. do the work. 2011
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want to link a favorite post to my 2011 best-of linky? are you a new year's fan or not? did you pick a word for 2012?
happy new year!