ONE: The Lord be with you;
ALL: And also with you.
ONE: Peace be to this house!
ALL: And to all who enter here!
ONE: Let us pray.
O God, your star once shone to show the world that your Son, our Savior, had come. May the light of the star that guided wise men from the east now guide us. Grant us, like them, eyes to recognize the holy in the humble and respond with faith and worship.
As we work, serve and play, keep us in the light of your love.
ALL: May Christ bless our home!
ONE: May all be welcome here,
friend and stranger, near and far.
May each be honored as they enter
and blessed as they leave.
ALL: There is a friend's love in the gentle heart of our Savior.
For love of him we offer friendship
and welcome every guest.
ONE: May God bless this house
from roof to floor, wall to wall,
end to end,
from its foundation and in its covering.
In the name of the triune God,
let all disturbance cease and
captive spirits free.
May God’s Spirit alone
dwell within these walls.
ALL: Christ, in our coming
and in our leaving,
be the Door and the Keeper,
for us and all within this place,
this day and always.
Now, door lintels are marked in chalk with:
20 + CMB + 12
The numbers signify the new year, the crosses represent Christ, and CMB stands for Christus Mansionem Benedicat, Latin for May Christ Bless This House. It also recalls the (apocryphal) names of the three wise men [Casper, Melchior, and Balthazar], who followed the star from the east and symbolize that the Light of Christ is for all people.
This house blessing is inspired and adapted from liturgies found here and in Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals