My heart's cry is peace, but these lips are quick to anger and my feet slow to move. I long for reconciling wholeness, to experience--and expand--the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, but some days fractures overwhelm.
How then do we become the peacemakers, the ones the beatitudes call blessed? I want to spend this October finding out.
31 Days to Practice Peace. In our neighborhoods and homes. In our churches and spiritual disciplines. In our choices and habits. In discourse, disagreement, and pursuit of justice, let's flesh out the work of peacemaking together. What does it look like to practice peace in quiets hearts and messy community? What can we glean from scripture and from those who've gone before? How do the peacemakers live?
Here's the thing: this topic is broad and lends itself to books-worth of exploration, but I am just one voice (and a rather haphazard blogger, generally posting just 2-3 days a week).
So, let's open this conversation, sharing stories and encouraging each other along this peaceful road. We could go in so many directions. These are just a few ideas that I pulled off the top of my head:
Gentle parenting. Meditation. Pacifism. Activism. Theology. Food. Family. Prayer. Scheduling. Boundaries. Justice. Advocacy. Sabbath. Nonviolence. Racial reconciliation. Marriage. Media. Conflict. Scripture. Body image. Healing. Forgiveness. Dialogue. Friendship. Work. Community. Culture. Solitude. Ministry. Health. Identity. Discipline. Grief. Loss. Personality. Hospitality. Earth care. Consumer ethics. Organization. Art. Communication. Church. Worship. Practice. Time.
If you'd like to guest post, send me an email with your particular perspective on peace/making, and we'll see what we can work out. I loved having J.R. Goudeau here last week and am excited about the idea of hosting more of your voices on this topic.
Let's practice peace together in October.
- 31 Days to Practice Peace
- the peace of shared chaos
- the peace of killing the approval god
- peace of leaning into the light
- making peace with a postpartum body {guest post Danielle}
- the peace of putting it out there
- the peace of wild things
- the peace of quiet activism {guest post Tara Pohlkotte}
- the peace of imperfect hospitality
- making peace in prison {guest post S}
- the peace of subversive sabbath
- the peace of perseverance
- waging peace: the sword that heals
- the peace of sharing stories
- peace & the still, small voice {guest post Becky MacKenzie}
- the peace of knowing the enemy {guest post Kelly Chadwick}
- peace amid debate & political storm
- when parenting doesn't feel peaceful
- the peace of being saved by Story {guest post Amy Peterson}
- the peace of disconnecting to reconnect
- the peace of breathing the rhythms of rest
- a peace wisdom-sown
- peacemaking: play as resistance {guest post Bristol}
- making peace with feminism
- the peace of keeping the darkness at bay {guest post Luke Harms}
- peacemaking: wisdom from the margins
- the peace of getting away
- the peace of practicing freedom
- creating space for peace (guest post Kristin Tennant}
- making peace with proverbs 31
- shalom & restoring identity {guest post Kamille Scellick}
{Check out more #31Days topics over at Nesting Place.}