I'm so grateful to Danielle, S, Tara, Becky, Kelly, Amy, Bristol, Luke, Kristin, and Kamille for sharing words and practices here. Your posts were among the best, most shared, and most interacted with this month, and I loved hosting your thoughtful and varied perspectives.
Thanks to everyone for reading and reflecting here with me. I like you. xo
The Lord Almighty grant us a peaceful night and a perfect end. Amen.
- 31 Days to Practice Peace
- the peace of shared chaos
- the peace of killing the approval god
- peace of leaning into the light
- making peace with a postpartum body {guest post Danielle}
- the peace of putting it out there
- the peace of wild things
- the peace of quiet activism {guest post Tara Pohlkotte}
- the peace of imperfect hospitality
- making peace in prison {guest post S}
- the peace of subversive sabbath
- the peace of perseverance
- waging peace: the sword that heals
- the peace of sharing stories
- peace & the still, small voice {guest post Becky MacKenzie}
- the peace of knowing the enemy {guest post Kelly Chadwick}
- peace amid debate & political storm
- when parenting doesn't feel peaceful
- the peace of being saved by Story {guest post Amy L. Peterson}
- the peace of disconnecting to reconnect
- the peace of breathing the rhythms of rest
- a peace wisdom-sown
- peacemaking: play as resistance {guest post Bristol}
- making peace with feminism
- the peace of keeping the darkness at bay {guest post Luke Harms}
- peacemaking: wisdom from the margins
- the peace of getting away
- the peace of practicing freedom
- creating space for peace (guest post Kristin Tennant}
- making peace with proverbs 31 {A Year of Biblical Womanhood}
- shalom & restoring identity {guest post Kamille Scellick}
May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you : wherever he may send you;
may he guide you through the wilderness : protect you through the storm;
may he bring you home rejoicing : at the wonders he has shown you;
may he bring you home rejoicing : once again into our doors.